Category: Cats

  • How to introduce a cat to a new home

    How to introduce a cat to a new home

    If it’s been a while since you last had pets or if this is your first cat ever, there are some things that will definitely come as surprises. How to introduce a cat to a new home with other pets? Follow along, we’ll get you there! Some cats can be very vocal about how they…

  • Cat collars with GPS

    Cat collars with GPS

    Having a cat is an amazing thing, they’re truly one of man’s most ancient best friends. However, cats can be quite wiley, and mischievous. In doing so they can cause themselves to get harmed, or lost, this can be a nightmare to a prospective owner who cannot find their new feline best friend. However, a…

  • Understanding Meowing and Speaking to Cats

    Understanding Meowing and Speaking to Cats

    Want to know a fun fact about cats and their communication? Cats don’t meow to other cats, but cats only Meow to humans and people. If that’s not compelling enough of a reason to love cats as the best pet on the planet – just admit it! – and that they’re worth understanding how to…

  • Understanding Cats & Their Body Language

    Understanding Cats & Their Body Language

    As a cat owner, or nearly any pet owner for that matter, you’ll eventually find yourself asking – how can I understand what my cat is thinking? You can bridge your understanding on speaking to cats by ultimately understanding their body language. It’s usually a dead giveaway, anyways! Body Language is the Lingo When Speaking…